Londr washers

Being a Londr Washer is the best gig job out there, and we stand by that statement! You may not feel that excitement however if you’re not getting very many, or even any jobs. As a company, we are working hard to create opportunities for our washers. We are spending thousands of dollars on advertising and working tirelessly to expand the customer base of our washers.

However, there are a few things a washer can do for themselves to kickstart their business and grow their clientele:

  1. Create and share your washer profile.
  2. Provide the “Londr Experience” to your customers so they mark you as a favorite.
  3. Share the washer experience in your area.

Your Londr Washer Profile

Within the Londr washer app is a section for creating a washer profile just below the empty job list. In this section, one can create a custom URL, upload a profile picture, add images of your wash room, provide a description of yourself and your services, and display reviews of the jobs you have completed. Experience has shown us that Nextdoor is an excellent place to share your washer profile. Also, local classifieds pages on Facebook or Craigslist are the perfect place to share your profile without turning your personal social media presence into an advertisement. That said, Facebook is a great place to share your profile, if you feel comfortable in doing so.

What is more, when a customer signs up using your washer profile, they get a $5 off their order, and you get $5 in your bank account when they make their first order. Customers who sign up using your profile automatically mark you as a favorite washer, so when they create an order, you get the first chance at the job. Even if the person signing up doesn’t live near you, you still get paid when they make their first order, so everybody wins!

Here is an example of a Londr Washer profile:

The Londr Experience

When you get a customer’s order, you have an opportunity to provide them with the Londr Experience. Unlike other gig-platforms, you have the opportunity to get the same customer again and again. When a customer loves your service, they can mark you as a favorite, and you will be notified of their jobs 30 minutes before anybody else. This allows you to build a relationship of service and trust with your own clientele, and if you desire, build for yourself a steady income stream.

What is the Londr Experience? It’s using your unique talents and personality to lift another person up. One Londr Washer leaves complimentary notes with the returned wash. Another has stitched up linens that were damaged and returned them not only clean, but better than she found them. In all cases Londr Washers do the following:

  1. Contact your customer as soon as possible. Laundry is a high-trust gig. They may be sending you their favorite sweater, or really hoping you can get that stain out of the shirt their toddler looks so cute in. When you take a job, reach out immediately to arrange a specific time they want their laundry picked up. This starts a conversation, and lets them know you’re on top of their order.
  2. Realize that your service has the power to make someone’s day. Because sending laundry out is a somewhat vulnerable thing to do, when you do a great job people will love you for it! When someone has a great experience with you, they will want you to do their laundry again and again.
  3. Feel free to ask questions! Do they want their whites bleached? Should some things be air dried? If you’re wondering about the best course of action, asking will make your customer love you, not doubt you.
  4. Be the first line of customer support. At Londr, we want our washers and customers to be able to reach us with a single message, so texting “SUPPORT” will put you in touch with us right away. However, there are questions your customer may have that you know, and as they see you as a professional resource, they will frequent you with their business.

Share The Washer Experience

“Wait. What?” You say, “Why would I increase my competition in the marketplace by inviting other people to be a Londr Washer?” There’s a few reasons this makes sense. You’ve seen an intersection where 3 out of the 4 corners are occupied by mattress stores of different brands? It’s the principle that when someone wants a mattress, they know the location they want to go to have the most variety and selection. In a similar way, having multiple washers around let’s people know that Londr is established in your area, and they have more confidence placing an order.

Another reason is that this is a gig job, and you want to be able to take a vacation from it sometimes, right? So as other washers in your area promote themselves, you’ll have an opportunity to serve their customers, and they may have an opportunity to serve yours when you need a break. An old saying is, “A rising tide lifts all ships”, meaning that as Londr succeeds in a given area, you will have more opportunities to pick up jobs too!

At Londr, we exist to serve you as washers. We’re excited you’ve decided to work with us, and we want to make it valuable for you! If you have feedback on how we can serve you better, or you have ideas how we could promote Londr in your area, please let us know at info@londr.com or by sending us a message through the washer app!

Not a Londr Washer yet? Sign up by downloading the Londr Washer app in the the app store, or by visiting: https://washer.londr.com/